On Tuesday night, Mum and I trekked all the way to Frankstone to go to the movies with my Aunty, Nanna, and cousin for a bit of a girls night out that we try and do every few months.
It was my suggestion to go and see Jane Eyer. I love the book by Charlotte Bronte, and have read it at least 3 times...
I kind of have a thing for the Bronte sisters. Actually, I have a thing for almost any period novels, or books set in different eras. I'm not really quite sure why I like them though! Usually I hate anything romantic, and I am completely against most of what goes on in them!
My Mum also loves Jane Eyre, however we where both slightly sceptical about the film. The Bronte sisters are such amazing writers, who put so much detail into there novels, that we where worried that the film wouldn't do it justice.
Well, we weren't disappointed!!
The film was great! When the lights came up, I caught Mum crying, and had to practically drag her out of the cinema because she wanted to stay and watch it again....
I did have a bit of a giggle at the end of the film when I stood up and turned around. The cinema was filled entirely with with 50+ year old women!! I guess I don't fit into the typical Jane Eyre demographic...
One of my favourite elements of the film was the characterisation and casting. I felt the film portrayed the characters that Bronte creates really well. My Nanna thought that Mr. Rochester was far better looking in the film that Bronte portrays him in the book, and I tend to agree (but none of us where complaining!!).
Jane was played perfectly by Mia Wasikowska. She portrayed the dynamic elements of Jane's character so well! I think her look is also very similar to how Bronte describes her in the novel.
As well as Jane and Mr. Rochester, I loved the characterisation of Jane's Evil aunt. She was exactly as I had imagined her!
The film showed a lot of the beautiful country side that Bronte describes. All the lovely scenery helped to make the film so easy to watch!
There was one thing that appalled me in the movie, although it was nothing to do with the film itself, but the ear it was set in.
I can't believe what people got away with under the guise of 'religion'. The treatment of the Orphans at Lowood is appalling, and it is all done in the name of god!
Overall, we all loved the film. Although, my Nanna did lean over at one point in during the film and complain that 'they're leaving so much out!'. While they did leave out some aspect of the novel, I think they managed to maintain the overall feel of the book. With a novel as long as Jane Eyer, there will undoubtably be thing that have to been left out to avoid a 10 hour long film!
If you haven't read the book, or seem the film I would strongly suggest you do!
All photos in this post come from the Official Website for the film
Are you a fan of Jane Eyre? Have you read the book or seen the film ? If you have seen then film, what did you think?